
Toward Respectful Understanding and Witness Among Muslims For Discount

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Toward Respectful Understanding and Witness Among Muslims
[DESCRIPTION] Fifteen preeminent Christian scholars of Islam present their latest research and reflections. The book is organized around three themes: encouraging friendly conversation, Christian scholarship, and Christian witness. Published in honor of J. Dudley Woodberry, it is more than a collection of essays by friends and colleagues. It offers a seldom-available synopsis of the theories of contemporary leading Christian academicians whose work is currently influencing a wide range of Christian institutions, agencies, churches, and individuals. The authors provide cutting-edge and greatly needed resources for developing a better understanding of Muslims. In an age of increasing challenges facing Muslim-Christian relations, this volume offers Christians a unique opportunity to rethink their assumptions. It also presents practical steps which can inform their daily encounters with Muslims. This book is essential reading for people with research interests in Islam, for Bible school and seminary students, for church leaders, and for all those who want to be informed of the latest empirical research and theoretical perspectives affecting Muslim-Christian relations. [/DESCRIPTION] [CREDIT] by: Evelyne A. Reisacher (Editor) [/CREDIT] [PAGES] 325 [/PAGES] [BINDING] Paperback [/BINDING] [PUBLISHER] William Carey Library [/PUBLISHER] [PUBLISHYEAR] 2012 [/PUBLISHYEAR] [ENDORSEMENT1]

In the midst of increasing tensions among Evangelicals on the best way to minister in Muslim contexts, this book comes as a wonderful resource that will help move the conversation forward, open up new areas for discussion, and focus our eyes on the methods in light of the task we face.

Scott MoreauProfessor, Intercultural Studies, Wheaton College [/ENDORSEMENT1] [ENDORSEMENT2]

Dudley Woodberry is a scholar and practitioner, a man of peace, grace, and truth, and a bridgebuilder . . . This profound volume beautifully captures many of the emphases of Dudley’s life.

Tim LewisInternational Director, Frontiers [/ENDORSEMENT2] [ENDORSEMENT3]

Polished in the academy, the field, and the prayer closet, Dudley Woodberry’s irenic spirit has blessed many. He has awakened our curiosity, mentored our research, reconciled our antagonisms, and expanded our vision with grace, passion, and a twinkle in his eye. These essays continue that heritage.

Miriam AdeneyPhD Associate Professor of World Christian Studies, Seattle Pacific University [/ENDORSEMENT3] [ENDORSEMENT4]

Dudley Woodberry’s profound influence—as friend, as scholar, and as witness—is everywhere evident in the essays included in this volume. This book’s contributors comprise a virtual “who’s who” of the men and women in the forefront of evangelical engagement with Muslims and with Islam.

Jonathan J. BonkPhD Executive Director, Overseas Ministries Study Center [/ENDORSEMENT4] [ENDORSEMENT5]

A humble servant with passion for God who uses his teaching gift to encourage a loving witness of Jesus to all Muslim peoples everywhere—that’s the unforgettable J. Dudley Woodberry. How fitting, then, that these timely and stimulating writings would be collected and bound in honor of one whose faithful example . . . inspires us all to press on towards greater fruitfulness for the glory of our Lord.

John FletcherSr. Vice-President of Global Ministries, Pioneers [/ENDORSEMENT5] [TOC]

Foreword By David W. Shenk
Preface By C. Doug McConnell
Preface and Acknowledgments By Evelyne A. Reisacher
Contributing Authors
Biography of J. Dudley Woodberry By Dean S. Gilliland

Encouraging Friendly Conversation Introduction by Charles E. Van Engen

  • 1 Christian Attitudes toward Islam and Muslims: A Kerygmatic Approach By Martin Accad
  • 2 The Ishmael Promises and Mission Motivation By Jonathan E. Culver
  • 3 Squeezing Ethics Out of Law: What Is Shariʿa Anyway? By David L. Johnston
  • 4 Portraying Muslim Women By Evelyne A. Reisacher
  • 5 Current Trends in Islam and Christian Mission By Warren F. Larson

Christian Scholarship Introduction by Joseph L. Cumming

  • 6 The Christian Scholar with Islam: “Go, Take, Learn” By Kenneth Cragg
  • 7 Ṣifāt al-Dhāt in al-Ashʿarī’s Doctrine of God and Possible Christian Parallels By Joseph L. Cumming
  • 8 Who Was “Allah” before Islam? Evidence that the Term “Allah” Originated with Jewish and Christian Arabs By Rick Brown
  • 9 Folk Elements in Muslim Expressions of African Religion By Dean S. Gilliland
  • 10 The Kaya “Shrine” and the Mosque: Religious Bifurcation among Miji-Kenda Muslims in Kenya By Stephen Mutuku Sesi

Christian Witness Introduction by Dean S. Gilliland

  • 11 How Is the Gospel Good News for Muslims? By David H. Greenlee
  • 12 Contextualization By Phil Parshall
  • 13 Reflections on Jesus Movements among Muslims with Special Reference to Movements within Asian Muslim Communities By John Jay Travis
  • 14 Afflictions by Jinn among the Swahili and an Appropriate Christian Approach By Caleb Chul-Soo Kim
  • 15 Peacemaking as a Witness By Christine Amal Mallouhi

Conclusion by Joseph L. Cumming
Complete Works of J. Dudley Woodberry
Selected Bibliography


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Book Format

EPub (ebook), Paperback

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