


What would it look like if your church really took the last words of Jesus seriously? The Great Commission was not just a suggestion by our Lord, but an imperative mandate given to his followers. Missionary sending agencies are deploying workers to the field, but many of them come from disengaged churches that are not producing well-equipped disciples. We need a fully integrated global supply chain—a pipeline—that has disciples as the precious commodity, as well as an effective infrastructure to distribute and replicate them around the globe. Pipeline seeks to re-engage the church in mobilizing the next generation of workers for the harvest. This is a collaboration of forty different authors from churches, agencies, and cross-cultural servants. As people in distant places wait for a messenger of hope and salvation, will your church venture into the pipeline?

AWARDS: Pipeline was named the Reader’s Choice for Best Mobilization book in 2018 by readers! 

[/DESCRIPTION] [SUBTITLE]Engaging the Church in Missionary Mobilization[/SUBTITLE][CREDIT] David & Lorene Wilson [/CREDIT] [PAGES] 368 [/PAGES] [BINDING] Paperback [/BINDING] [PUBLISHER] William Carey Publishing [/PUBLISHER] [PUBLISHYEAR] 2018 [/PUBLISHYEAR] [ENDORSEMENT1]

Comprehensive in scope and replete with firsthand accounts of how people have responded to the call of missions, Pipeline is both informative and inspirational. Here, compiled in one volume for the first time, is the most practical mission mobilization wisdom from a broad range of “in the trenches” mission mobilizers that can be found.

Marvin J. Newell, DMisssenior vice president, Missio Nexus [/ENDORSEMENT1] [ENDORSEMENT2]

As the church was lulled to sleep, the mission agencies took Christ’s command, “Go into all the world,” and ran with it. It has been only recently that the church has begun to rise from its slumber regarding their part in mission mobilization.An excellent “read” for the inspiration and implementation to participate in Christ’s Great Commission.

Neal Pirolo, MAfounder and director, Emmaus Road International [/ENDORSEMENT2] [TOC]

Introduction—David J. Wilson
Foundation Chapter: Prayer
It All Starts Here—Doug Lucas
Part 1—Calling: Learning to Hear the Voice of God
Chapter 1: Call Experiences from Scripture
God’s People Answering the Call—David J. Wilson
Chapter 2: Call Experiences from the Past
The Powerful Percent—Todd Ahrend
Chapter 3: Call Experiences from Today’s Missionaries
Opening and Closing Doors—Glenn & Sue Ashcraft
A Call to Missions—Mark & Becky Jennings
Like a Well-Watered Garden—Harold & Kerry Peters
Resisting the Call—Art & Vicki Reyes
My Call Experience—Larry W. Sharp
A Call to Missions—Jurg VanDyk
Chapter 4: The Missionary Call
But I Don’t Feel Called!—Neal Pirolo

Part 2—Obstacles: Learning to Overcome Hindrances to the Call
Chapter 5: Family Objections
Parenting with a Purpose—Peggy Bright
The Influence of a Grandparent—Fawn Brents
Chapter 6: The Church
A Missional Heresy—David J. Wilson
Chapter 7 Money
Five Keys to Raising Support—Dr. Steve Shadrach
Chapter 8: Short-term Mission Trip Strategy
Train and Debrief for Short-term Trips—Kendra Cervantes
Chapter 9: Inadequate Assessment Processes
Least Likely to Succeed—David J. Wilson

Part 3—The Local Church: Developing a Mobilization Team
Chapter 10: Developing a Mobilization Model
The Sending Church—David J. Wilson 88
Chapter 11: Building a Mobilization Team
Rites of Passage—David J. Wilson 105
Chapter 12: Bethlehem Baptist Church
Preparing and Nurturing Long-term Global Partners—Todd Rasmuson 124
Chapter 13: Calvary Church
Mobilization Strategy—Steve Beirn 130
Chapter 14: Liberty Bible Church
Mentors Who Make Disciplemaking Disciples—Greg Carter 135
Chapter 15: Lincoln Berean Church
Equipping Candidates with Character and Capacity—Ryan Harmon 143
Chapter 16: Sardis Church
The Antioch Model—Jon Luesink 148

Part 4—The Local Church: Preparing to Become a Sending Church
Chapter 17: Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
Awakened to God’s Global Purpose—Brett Clemens
Chapter 18: Mobilization Ideation
Shop Talk—Mark Stebbins
Chapter 19: Influencing Youth
How to Teach for Transformation—Daniel T. Haase
Chapter 20: Women’s Issues
Helping Women Thrive—Lorrie Lindgren
Chapter 21: Men’s Issues
A City of Refuge for Men—Stan De La Cour & Brandon Boyd
Chapter 22: MK/TCK Issues
Tension Between Calling and Craving—Michèle Phoenix
Chapter 23: Church-based Candidate Orientation
Skills, Knowledge, and Character—Greg Carter
Chapter 24: Building Cultural Adaptation and Language Acquisition
Seven Essentials in Ministry Training—Brian Gibson
Chapter 25: Building Resiliency
The Value of Coaching—Sherri Dodd
Chapter 26: What Missionaries Wish They Knew Before They Left
Disequilibrating the Bravado—Jon Luesink

Part 5—Partners: Serving Along Side the Sending Church
Chapter 27: Avant Ministries
Mobilizing Among Millennials—Russ
Chapter 28: Frontiers
Starting Churches among Muslims—Bob Blincoe
Chapter 29: The Navigators
Multiplying One-to-One Discipleship—Mark Stebbins
Chapter 30: Pioneers
The Forgotten Lord’s Prayer—Steve Richardson
Chapter 31: The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM)
Four Practices of our Partner Churches—Josh McQuaid
Chapter 32: WorldVenture
Church Partnership is in our DNA—Harold Britton
Chapter 33: Wycliffe Bible Translators
Developing and Launching People into Ministry—Jamie Farr
Chapter 34: Camino Global
The Movement of the Global South—David D. Ruiz
Chapter 35; Greater Europe Mission (GEM)
Mobilizing TCKs/MKs—Becca Martin

Part 6—Special Partners: Linking the Church and the Agency
Chapter 36: Advance Global Coaching
What if Missionaries had a Life Coach?—Sherri Dodd
Chapter 37: Center for Intercultural Training (CIT)
Through the Lens of Partnership—Mark Morgenstern
Chapter 38: Mission Training International (MTI)
Lovers, Learners, and Servants—Steve Sweatman
Chapter 39: TRAIN International
Born out of Prayer—Brian Gibson
Chapter 40: Sixteen:Fifteen
Five Marks of a Mobilized Church—Matthew Ellison 

Part 7—Preparing the Sending Church for the Next Generation
Chapter 41: Business as mission
Real Business, Real Mission—Larry W. Sharp
Chapter 42: Church-based Teams
Joint Venture, Serving Together—Dave Hansen
Chapter 43: Missionary Recipients Becoming Senders
The Global South on the Move—Larry Janzen
Mission Organizations


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EPub (ebook), Paperback

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