
Mobilizing Movements


Accelerating Movements

As record numbers of people around the world respond to Christ, a need for community, structure, and leadership is emerging. Disciple-making and church planting must extend to the most remote areas of every people group and nation to assist individuals as they come to Christ. Lasting movements build on specific traits and strategies in both teams and leadership, including divine passion that lasts beyond whims and hardships.

Murray Moerman provides realistic expectations of what it takes to facilitate a movement and how to gain the support of various partners needed for long-term success, resulting in whole-nation church planting saturation. Based on years of research, Mobilizing Movements contains both practical and spiritual elements. You will find insights and models from several continents for macro (whole nation) strategies and micro (personal) disciple-making. Features include:

  • Key component of healthy movements
  • Nine accelerants for movements
  • Analysis of seven challenging contexts in which movements can still flourish
  • Practical strategies scalable to your capacity and context

Writing for novices as well as practitioners, Moerman casts a vision for completing the Great Commission and invites us to mobilize movements. [/DESCRIPTION] [SUBTITLE]Leadership Insights for Discipling Whole Nations[/SUBTITLE][CREDIT] Murray Moerman [/CREDIT] [PAGES] 286 [/PAGES] [BINDING] paperback [/BINDING] [PUBLISHER] William Carey Publishing [/PUBLISHER] [PUBLISHYEAR] 2021 [/PUBLISHYEAR] [ENDORSEMENT1]

An invaluable contribution—comprehensive, inspirational, and practical—for all of us who long to see the kingdom of God expanded by seeing whole nations discipled. Backed by a life of experience, Murray uses his pastoral heart to relate the nitty gritty of how to develop effective national church-planting processes around the world.

Ron Andersoncatalyst, Lausanne Church  [/ENDORSEMENT1] [ENDORSEMENT2]

Moerman has offered the global church a great gift, the gift of synthesis. Learning from forty years of church planting strategies, looking at current trends in DMM and CMP, and discerning the challenges of our time for missions engagement, Moerman offers a practical guide for denominational leaders, church planters, and apostolic leaders to think critically about how their praxis can contribute to the goal of discipling all nations. A must read!

Dr. Raphaël Anzenbergerleadership team, facilitator, Global SCP Taskforce [/ENDORSEMENT2] [ENDORSEMENT3]

In Mobilizing Movements, Murray Moerman fills an important gap in kingdom literature. Few people have written books on saturation church planting (SCP) in recent years, and even fewer on the role of movements in SCP. These two massively important topics are made for one another. SCP is an important goal, and movements are the primary means by which to achieve this goal. To consider either without the other is to miss a key connection for achieving the advance of the kingdom and the completion of the Great Commission. Murray writes from a position of considerable experience on several levels, most notably in his leadership of the Global church planting Network.

Dr. Curtis Sergeantfounder, MetaCamp; leader, Zúme; co-facilitator, 24:14 [/ENDORSEMENT3] [ENDORSEMENT4]

Mobilizing Movements is a book for our time. It’s a practical tool to empower leaders in multiplying disciples that will transform this world so needy for our Lord Jesus Christ. World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) recognizes that discipleship is core to the mission of Jesus. That’s why it works toward instilling disciple-making as an evangelical DNA and welcomes discipleship resources like Mobilizing Movements.

Bishop Efraim Tenderosecretary general, WEA [/ENDORSEMENT4] [TOC] Acknowledgments


Glossary: Terms and Acronyms

Part 1: A View from the Top

Chapter 1: The Big Idea: Discipling Your Nation

Chapter 2: Disciple-Making and Church-Planting: Insights to Build On

Chapter 3: Practical and Tactical Beginnings

Chapter 4: Accelerants

Chapter 5: A Study in Nationwide Disciple-Making Processes, by Russ Mitchell

Part 2: Starting Where You Are

Chapter 6: Initiating a National Process

Chapter 7: Diverse and Challenging Contexts

Chapter 8: Models on Other Continents

Part 3: Components of a National Vision

Chapter 9: Leadership

Chapter 10: Harvest Field, Harvest Force, Harvest Fruit

Chapter 11: Purposeful Planning: To What End?

Chapter 12: Engaging Leaders Across Your Nation

Chapter 13: Building the Kingdom Locally and Nationally

Chapter 14: Prayer and Action

Chapter 15: Quality and Quantity

Chapter 16: Consolidate and (Re)Build Part 4: Where to . . . Globally?

Chapter 17: You Are Not Alone

Chapter 18: Good Etiquette for Guests

Chapter 19: Joyful Redundancy

Chapter 20: The King Is Coming

Chapter 21: Steps after the Penultimate


Appendix 1: It’s a DAWN Strategy If …, Dr. James H. Montgomery

Appendix 2: 13 Steps to a Successful Growth Program, Dr. James H. Montgomery

Appendix 3: Best Practices from Europe (

Appendix 4: National Team Self-Evaluation

Appendix 5: Encouragement for Incremental Progress

Appendix 6: Setting Priorities

Appendix 7: Further Resources and Author’s Website

For Further Reading


About the Author [/TOC]

Additional information


EPub (ebook), paperback, Chapter 1 PDF-Free

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