
Working Together with God to Shape the New Millennium (EMS 8)

[DESCRIPTION] Sound missiology responds to changing cultural and social dynamics that affect the church’s global mission. It requires flexibility and collaboration. For this reason, the Evangelical Missiological Society Conference of 1999 convened to address the challenges and opportunities facing the church with the new millennium.

In Working Together with God to Shape the New Millennium, conference participants contributed essays to discuss a range of ways God’s people can work together for His kingdom. For example, what practical models and examples exist to show how effective mission can be carried out? How do evangelicals work with others who identify with the Conciliar Movement, Orthodox Churches, or the Roman Catholic Church? This volume also explores the centrality of worship and the type of leadership needed for the work ahead of us.

Shaping a new millennium is no mere human task; it is a divine initiative, and we’re invited to join Him. Working together isn’t always easy, even when we like each other. Yet we are called to a grand and glorious endeavor. This book reminds readers that what is impossible with us is still possible with God. [/DESCRIPTION] [SUBTITLE]Opportunities and Limitations[/SUBTITLE][CREDIT] Gary R. Corwin and Kenneth B. Mulholland [/CREDIT] [PAGES] 236 [/PAGES] [BINDING] Paperback [/BINDING] [PUBLISHER] William Carey Publishing [/PUBLISHER] [PUBLISHYEAR] 1999 [/PUBLISHYEAR] [TOC]

Preface – Gary Corwin

Author Profiles

Biblical Foundations for the New Millenium

  • 1. What God Is Doing to Shape the New Millenium – Henry Blackaby

Context of the New Millenium

  • 2. Setting the Scene for 2020: Shifting Missions into the Future Tense – Tom Sine
  • 3. Global Theological Challenges – T.V. Thomas

Working Together Theologically in the New Millenium

  • 4. Opportunities and Limitations – Charles Van Engen
  • Response to Van Engen regarding Opportunities and Challenges – John H. Orme
  • 5. Working Together with Conciliar Groups – Charles Van Engen
  • 6. On the Theological Possibility of Orthodox/Evangelical Cooperation in Mission – Edward Rommen
  • 7. Theological Guidelines for Working within a Roman Catholic Context – John Nyquist
  • Response to Van Engen, Rommen, and Nyquist on the Possibilities of Working Together Theologically in a Wider Way – James J. Stamoolis

Working Together Doxologically in the New Millenium

  • 8. Calling An Army of Artists – Frank Fortunato
  • 9. Contextualized Worship and Arts in World Evangelization – Byron Spradlin
  • 10. What’s in the Middle? The Implications of Doxology for Mission in the Twenty-first Century – Dave Hall

Working Together Strategically in the New Millenium

  • 11. Southern Baptists: Working Cooperatively to Reach the World – Avery T. Willlis, Jr.
  • 12. Assembly of God Missions: Strategy on the Run – Gary B. McGee
  • 13. AD 2000 and Beyond: Toward a Conceptual Model – Luis Bush

Leadership Needed for the New Millenium

  • 14. Challenging, Nurturing, and Forming Leaders for 2010 – Leighton Ford

Epilogue – Kenneth B. Mulholland


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EPub (ebook), Paperback

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